Best-Ever Thanksgiving Leftovers Sandwich


This recipe come to us from Tina of Carrots 'N' Cakes


  • 2 slices of Dave’s Killer Bread Organic 21 Whole Grains and Seeds

  • 1 slice extra sharp cheddar cheese

  • 2-3 slices of Granny Smith apple

  • leftover Thanksgiving turkey

  • 1.5 tablespoons cranberry sauce

  • 1/2 tablespoon mayonnaise

  • oes, sliced

  • Deli Meat


  1. Combine cranberry sauce and mayo in a small bowl. (I actually doubled these ingredients to make extra for later, so I mixed them in a small Ziploc container to store in the fridge.)

  2. Spread cranberry-mayo on one of the slices of Dave’s Killer Bread.

  3. Then, layer the other ingredients on top before popping the whole sandwich in the toaster oven. Heat until cheese is melted and the bread is lightly browned.

  4. Enjoy immediately!

Recipe makes 1 sandwich 


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